Digital Marketing And Analytics

For Your Business
Marketing Data Analysis
Successful marketing, which gives high ROI, that is, allows you to earn money, consists of two macro indicators and three main components:
Marketing ANALYTICS Part-1
Analytics of the market in which your business operates, which includes analytics of your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, general analysis of the characteristics and features of the market, including local features of micro-regions. We carry out a comprehensive collection, analysis and systematization of data about the environment in which your business is located and develop for you understandable and accessible solutions for your business, which you can put into practice today in order to see practical results tomorrow. We can also take upon ourselves the implementation of all necessary measures that you choose and approve.

Marketing ANALYTICS Part-2
Analyze your current sales and marketing performance. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your indicators, your sales tools (websites, applications, mailings, etc.). We identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop for you an individual list of solutions that you can implement in your business to increase sales of your services or products. All our analytical reports contain ready-made INDIVIDUAL solutions for you that will help your business solve problems and complete the tasks that it faces.

Analytics Consulting Services
After we have conducted an in-depth analysis of your business, we move on to practice. We develop a step-by-step plan for your business, based on your advertising budget and the goals you set for yourself.

We draw up a strategy for your business individually, based on the parameters that we actually have now, and if your business budget is $500 per month, we will not advise you to buy advertising for $10,000. We start from the real possibilities of your business and develop a step-by-step action plan on how to increase sales of your services or products based on the available data. We know the true needs of your business and will find the optimal solution for you.